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UCASS (GSCASS) 2022 Graduation Ceremony Held in Hybrid Format


On June 28, the 2022 graduation ceremony of UCASS was held in hybrid format with both virtual and in-person attendance. The leaders of the university and its schools and departments, together with all graduates on campus, attended the graduation ceremony at Liangxiang Campus (R140, Administration Building), while graduates and their families, faculty and alumni who could not be present joined the event virtually via webcast. The ceremony was chaired by Wang Xinqing, the Vice President of UCASS and President of GSCASS.

Wang Xinqing, Vice President of UCASS and President of GSCASS Hosted the Ceremony

Zhang Zhengwen, President of UCASS Announced the Decision of UCASS (GSCASS) on Approving

 the Graduation of the 2022 Cohort of Doctoral, Master’s and Undergraduate Students

On this day, a total of 368 undergraduates, 1005 master’s students and 330 doctoral students had successfully completed their academic programs, ready to embark on their future careers.

According to the ceremony program, representatives of the undergraduates, graduates, and faculty delivered their remarks respectively.

Wang Moyi, who majored in Political Science and Administration, spoke as the representative of undergraduates, calling for all graduates to always keep themselves humble, retain their passion for life, and embrace the future journey with unrestrained courage.

Zhao An, a doctoral student in Agricultural Economic Management, spoke as the representative of graduate students. Zhao reminded every UCASS graduate of the need to combine theory with practice, and “write their theses across the motherland”.

Zhao Tingyang, PhD supervisor and professor at UCASS School of Philosophy, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and research fellow of the Institute of Philosophy, speaking as a representative of faculty members, quoted his theory of Verb Philosophy. “Simply put, it is about rejecting the temptation to be a noun. Refrain from becoming a noun. Try to be a verb. As graduates, you have all the time in the world to be many verbs of your choice. May you all become verbs with great prospects!”

Gao Peiyong, Vice President of CASS and Secretary of UCASS Party Committee Addressed the Audience

Gao Peiyong, the Vice President of CASS and Secretary of UCASS Party Committee, delivered the “last lecture” to the graduates. As he pointed out, “In retrospect, the graduates this year have witnessed the strong resilience of people against the pandemic and the unremitting exploration of UCASS around the path of integrating research and education. Hopefully, everyone will find their connections between personal aspirations and the overall development of the country and the nation, and therefore contribute their wisdom to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Zhang Bo,Vice President of UCASS Presented Degree and Diploma Certificates to Graduantes

Gao Wenshu,Vice President of UCASS Presented Degree and Diploma Certificates to Graduantes

Zhang Shuhui,Vice Present of UCASS Announced the List of Students Graduating with Honors

Wang Moyi Shared her Story on Behalf of B.A. graduates

Zhao An as Respresentative of Doctoral Graduates Spoke at the Ceremony

Zhao Tingyang, PhD supervisor in the School of Philosophy Address the Audience on Behalf of Faculty Members