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CASS Party Leadership Convenes A Special Session to Chart Future Course for UCASS


On February 19, 2024, the Party Leadership of CASS convened a special assembly at UCASS. The session was dedicated to deliberating and strategizing on the development initiatives for UCASS.

Gao Xiang, president of CASS, in his address, underscored the imperative need for explorations into educational principles and social science talent cultivation methodologies within a research-oriented university for liberal arts featuring socialism with distinct Chinese characteristics. Upholding the mantle of excellence, it is essential to ensure that the undergraduate education sustains a commendable caliber that aligns with top-notch standard. He pledged all-out support across CASS to advance UCASS towards a realm of heightened standardization, thereby heralding a new era in the institution’s progress.

Furthermore, Gao Xiang stressed the need to cultivate a reliable and stable faculty team characterized by professional dedication, moral integrity and scholarly acumen. This emphasis on fostering synergy between teaching and research endeavors. It stands as a cornerstone to propel scientific inquiry within an enriched educational framework. A stringent focus is to be maintained on classroom management, upholding disciplined teaching practices and fostering an environment of pedagogical order, while intensifying oversight on educational facilitation. Bolstering infrastructure development and logistical services are also key actions to nurture a conducive environment for its faculty and student community.

The meeting drew the participation from key figures including the Deputy Secretary General, representatives with discipline inspection and supervision responsibilities, and colleagues from various functional departments within CASS. Prior to the assembly, party group members have inspected the construction of UCASS teaching facilities and one-stop student community project.